It took me 2 hours to redo my blog into this clean look and i must say I am pleased. Don't laugh, you IT-savvy people, at my HTML illiteracy! It's funny how I tried to dabble with the HTML codes only to find the codes I copied down ending up unreadable. Eventually I realised that blogger has this new (pardon me if it's not too new) layout where I can add my banners and extra tools as gadgets easily. Within a few minutes, I got my sidebar in order. Whew.
So I've stayed away from my blog for months and I've thought about the original intent of my website I created back in my JC days. Back then, I started a blog to create a platform to expand my GP skills by discussing and inquiring on all those intellectual topics eg. euthanasia, science & religion etc. But now that I'm past that phase of GP and A level preparation, having done that 2 years ago, it's time to start on a clean slate. Of course, it comes with a new intent for this portal.
The name stays because it broadly covers everything that I'd probably ever type on this site, unless I start to turn this into a blonde journal for the whole world to see WHICH will never happen. So yes, restart. Restart to engage and share of all the discoveries I make from my day to day experiences. I figured that's what blogs are for- not rantings and whinings of personal issues but more of social websites to deseminate valuable experiences to share with others. I greatly appreciate those food and travel blogs eg. ieatishootipost and others I came across in my search for amazing off-the-track travelogues, these are the blogs I hope to emulate. Given my limited social circle, this blog is dedicated especially to my loved ones and friends whom I dearly want to share all my worthwhile experiences with :)