I'd really really like to recommend this website to everyone! It's ted.com. This website is full of amazing ideas from leading thinkers in the world in their various professions. Watch it and I guarantee that your horizons will expand when you're exposed to the different advancements in all kinds of fields and disciplines.
Other things worth watching (linked to ted.com) are the short films in pangeaday.org. Just to let you know, pangea day was yesterday morning (singapore time) at approx 3am. It was a day to celebrate film as a medium of connecting the world. The short films (max 5 minutes for each one) really evoke different emotions as they say and there's a huge range of cultures showcased. So you're in for a feast of videos when you go to that website!
(Btw, pangea was the period during the paleozoic and mesozoic age when all the lands of the earth were connected in one piece (a supercontinent they call it), hence, the symbolic meaning behind that day)
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